Post by Admin on Jan 28, 2016 21:00:57 GMT
/p - Vezi la ce comenzi ai acces/You see the commands you have access to!
/tpa nume(/tpa name) - Trimiti o cerere de teleportare catre un player/You send a teleport request to a player!
/tpa accept - Accepti o cerere de teleportare/You accept a teleport request!
/tpa deny - Refuzi o cerere de teleportare/You deny a teleport request!
/buy id or itemname - Cumperi un item in functie de nume sau id. De exemplu: /buy gas sau /buy 28 . Amandoua iti vor da un gas can./Buy an item using it's name or it's id. For exemple: /buy gas or /buy 28 . Both will give you a gas can!
/balance - Vezi cate credite ai/See how many credits you have
/exchange cantitate(/exchange amount) - Transformi xp-ul in credite. Ex: /exchange 50 O sa transforme 50 de experienta In 50 credite/Change experience for credits. /exchange 50 will transform 50 exp in 50 credits.
/exchange cantitate money(/exchange amount money) - Aceasta comanda transforma banii in xp/This command changes credits in exp. Ex: /exchange 50 money.
/sell id - Vinzi un item pe care il ai in inventar folosindu-te de id-ul lui./Sell an item you have in your inventory by using it's id.
/cost id - Vezi cat costa un item/You see how much an item costs
/kits - Vezi la ce kituri ai acces/See available kits.
/kit nume(/kit name) - Folosesti unul din kit-uri/Use one of the kits. Ex: /kit starter
/home - Te teleporteaza inapoi la un bedroll caruia I-ai dat "claim"/Will teleport you back to a claimed bedroll.
/bounty add nume suma(/bounty add name amount) - Folosesti aceasta comanda pentru a pune o recompensa pe o persoana care ti-a gresit./Use this command to add a bounty to a person who wronged you. ex:/bounty add Messe 200
/hitman list - Lista playerilor care au o recompensa pe ei. The list of the players who have a bounty on them.
/tpa nume(/tpa name) - Trimiti o cerere de teleportare catre un player/You send a teleport request to a player!
/tpa accept - Accepti o cerere de teleportare/You accept a teleport request!
/tpa deny - Refuzi o cerere de teleportare/You deny a teleport request!
/buy id or itemname - Cumperi un item in functie de nume sau id. De exemplu: /buy gas sau /buy 28 . Amandoua iti vor da un gas can./Buy an item using it's name or it's id. For exemple: /buy gas or /buy 28 . Both will give you a gas can!
/balance - Vezi cate credite ai/See how many credits you have
/exchange cantitate(/exchange amount) - Transformi xp-ul in credite. Ex: /exchange 50 O sa transforme 50 de experienta In 50 credite/Change experience for credits. /exchange 50 will transform 50 exp in 50 credits.
/exchange cantitate money(/exchange amount money) - Aceasta comanda transforma banii in xp/This command changes credits in exp. Ex: /exchange 50 money.
/sell id - Vinzi un item pe care il ai in inventar folosindu-te de id-ul lui./Sell an item you have in your inventory by using it's id.
/cost id - Vezi cat costa un item/You see how much an item costs
/kits - Vezi la ce kituri ai acces/See available kits.
/kit nume(/kit name) - Folosesti unul din kit-uri/Use one of the kits. Ex: /kit starter
/home - Te teleporteaza inapoi la un bedroll caruia I-ai dat "claim"/Will teleport you back to a claimed bedroll.
/bounty add nume suma(/bounty add name amount) - Folosesti aceasta comanda pentru a pune o recompensa pe o persoana care ti-a gresit./Use this command to add a bounty to a person who wronged you. ex:/bounty add Messe 200
/hitman list - Lista playerilor care au o recompensa pe ei. The list of the players who have a bounty on them.